Friday, May 1, 2009

Day One

Day one was not so bad for me. I worked a double today, which was nice. A long twelve hour shift so that I didn't even have to concern myself with being home and bored. The hard thing was not listening to the radio as I was driving to work. I love listening to my radio. I have an awesome system installed and listening to the radio in the car is the highlight of my day when I work, especially driving to work a twelve hour shift! But I stayed strong, and left the radio turned off. Now lucky for me, we have a music playing at work, unluckily, the music is normally aweful. I hear the same songs over and over and miss listening to my music. But we do have a band playing on weekend nights. So I made a point to sneak away from my section and listen to the band when I got a chance. Listening to live music wasn't forbidden! We also have televisions in the restaurant. To tell you the truth, I didn't miss the tv too much. I normally don't watch much tv, probably because I don't have cable! But what I did miss was coming home from work, renting a movie, and watching before my second double tomorrow! So I got home, realized I couldn't do that, once again had to fight the temptation, and decided to do some studying and this blog instead. Oh, one thing I am grateful for is not using my cell phone. I get to avoid hour long pointless conversations with friends and family. They call me, I tell them, sorry doing a media deprivation project, can't talk until Monday. It's kind of nice. Not that I don't like my friends and family, but I spend way to much time on the phone normally. It's quiet in the house, and I kind of like it like this. But we'll see how I do Sunday. I have all morning off, so I know I'm going to be tempted to do something media involved!

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