Sunday, May 3, 2009

Adrian's Deprived Saturday

Well Saturday was even easier to deal with the Media deprivation. I had to go into work at nine in the morning. So other than the music playing continuously in the backdrop of my hearing, and the occasional text message from a friend to make plans or cancel old ones, there was not much temptation to deviate from the chosen course. At work though, I had to drive a delivery to some punk teenager’s house because he obviously did not have a car and could not come to the restaurant himself… oh yea anyways, I was driving there and I really wanted to listen to the radio… I mean I REALLY wanted to listen to the radio, but I fought back the urge and started humming random songs that I could remember the tune to. Not watching television was not a problem this time around, I was not tempted at all, which is good, I just might’ve cracked... internet use was quite tempting and I do have to say that I thought about just cracking and then blogging about it just so I could get computer time it, but what does a college student have if he does not have his honor? Well, I would not have much… my point being that I wanted to do this project the right way because I feel honor bound to do so. Got a lot of reading done, and later in the evening had to go to my friend’s house and tutor him for a history test. We ended up goofing off and meeting up with a bunch of friends and walking around, which really helped keep my mind off of all the restrictions forced upon me throughout the duration of the deprivation project. Have not made any phone calls or played any video games, no DVDs, radio, iPod, movie theatre, magazines, internet, so I think I’m doing really well. This project really is not too hard, it is exactly like when I would go camping as a kid, except in a house not a tent and a bed without the lumps from rocks, so it is really just like the best camping trip ever…

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your dedication during this project, Adrian. I know how tempting it is to give in.

    BTW, I didn't know Quizno's delivered??
