Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day one...

This is Adam Coe with his first blog on the Media Deprivation Project. So far so Good. My cell phone is turned off most of the day. At Quiznoes, where I work, music is playing all day, the only music I can listen to. I worked on Friday night and on Saturday morning, so my music deprivation is not as strong as some of yours I bet. It was very difficult falling asleep without my usual 101.1 Kono oldies going, but I got to sleep with the help of a couple loud fans. The experiance is pretty enlightening. It is a lot like my camping trips, but with temptation everywhere. I realized today that media is a constant thing in my life and without it I feel very, very bored. I am going through videogame and television withdrawls, no Law and Order, or Final Fantasy is killing me slowly. Chris Schieber, on of my friends at Quiznoes, is also in one of Professor Lopez's classes and is doing the project as well, so I am not alone in my struggle. Adrian made it a point to turn my car radio off as soon as we got in my car Friday afternoon for work. I hid the remotes for my television in my parent's room, and have left my cell phone in one position when I am not home. I find myself being very productive around my house, cleaning and doing yard work for lack of something to do. I love the way this project is affecting me. I am very conscious of the Media all around my environment, and how it affects me so much in my day to day life. I am still wondering how the next few days will be, since I did indeed missed the first day of Wolverine! That was tough, I want to see that so bad I would grow claws and fight Professor Lopez to the death to win an opportunity to see it now! Yes, right now! I guess, all I have to say about the first day is that "it sucked", but I am looking forward to tomorrow and seeing how this whole thing will end. I hope the rest of the class is holding on as much as Adrian, Professor Lopez and I are. For the second day, I hope everyone is going strong. Tune in tomorrow to read about my struggle, as I am looking forward to reading about everyone elses. Good night and good luck.

1 comment:

  1. So KONO puts you to sleep, huh? Yeah, has the same effect on me LOL. Just messing with ya.

    As for Wolverine, it was pretty good but don't worry--you'll live another 2 days without seeing it... unless WE FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!

