Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday, May 1st Day One

I woke up this morning looking forward to waking up, drinking my protein shake, doing my crunches, and turning on the radio while all this happened. Then I's Friday, May 1st. Might as well be Friday the 13th. No radio. No TV. No video games!!! It was almost an unbearable thought. What was I going to do with myself. I don't have work, I'm stranded at home without a car, and all I have is two dogs and a cat to keep me company. So I decided to do the only logical thing...dig in the closet and find a book. Once I got tired of reading, I decided I could at least get some studying done for my classes with all this free, non video game filled, time on my hands. I was able to accomplish a lot of studying, had sometime to think and relax, and got to spend a little bit of time outside with my dogs and cat. I'm not sure how two more days of it is going to be. I love my video games, and my radio, and have realized that life would be much more dull without at least the option to rely on them. I'm hoping it gets easier, but I feel this weekend is going to be very long. If anything, though, it will be beneficial for me to get my homework and studying done for finals. I'm glad this project was assigned the weekend before finals. Monday I plan on watching TV all day. While the radio is on, and while playing a game on my computer. I love technology. It definetely isn't fun to be without it. Luckily I'm in the habit of going to the gym everyday. Unfortunately for this project, my gym has about twenty TVs. I don't plug in my headphones and listen though, because that would be cheating. But it's nice to see that TVs still exist. By the end of this weeked I will either be in severe technological withdrawals, or severely overworked from studying too much! Maybe both.

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