Monday, May 4, 2009

Linda Estrada day 2


Started off bad. I woke up and was already feeling like I was having withdrawl symptoms from music. I woke up too early for work at 7:45 AM and got ready in complete silence. I defintely feel as if silence makes me move slower. All I was hearing were my own thoughts on how much I did not want to go into work, I may have attracted bad energy cause the rest of the morning was spent in a grouchy mood. The night before I lost my cell phone and couldn't find it, I figured that might have been a good thing because I know if I had it I would want to use it. I tried to keep busy at work to try and get time to go by faster. I used different methods to keep my attention. When I got bored, I started to color, clean, and reorganize. On my lunch break I realized that I needed to run to the bank before they closed at 1 PM. When I got into my car I saw that I had no gas, and no money untill I could get to the bank. I was worried that if I ran out of gas on the way to the bank, I would have no cell phone for emergency but tried to look at the bright side of things. I tried to picture myself back when cell phones were not around and thought "what would I have to do in this situation?" So I went as fast as I could to the bank and then to fill up on gas. This incident made me appreciate my cell phone so much more, even though I still had not found it. Later during the day, I went to a birthday party for a younger cousin and there was childrens music playing in the background the entire time. The music was pretty annoying but I was appreciative to hear some kind of melody. Family members were talking about the swine flu, and other current events so I tried to ask as many questions on any updates since Friday morning. After the birthday party I hung out with my in-laws, they wanted to catch a movie but instead we settled for playing pictionary and dominoes. The games turned out to be alot more exciting than I figured them to be. Usually when we get together we play old music records, or suft the internet for movies. So the change of plans allowed us to spend some actual quality time together. I learned a few things about them that I did not know before this night. All in all the morning seemed to drag on but the afternoon and evening was very pleasant without media. I know that my day would have been completely different had I not been doing the deprevation, but I appreciate the good things the black out brought.

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