Wednesday, May 6, 2009

day 2 (brittany caraway)

day two...i picked up a shift at work so wouldnt have my mind on being media deprived for one thing.this gave me a reason to ignore my roommate and not give her rent until the last minute.she just sucks at have to be around her long enough to know.but i knew that if i brought my phone to work i would be tempted to look at it.and if i get caught looking at my phone,my manager would consider terminating me.i did however,get a guest complaint.they were stupid,and i was tired.because yes,a double shot of vodka with sprite is going to be pretty i almost got a write up for that,but because i made so much last night,i really didnt i got off and went home.and because i cant use my phone, i had to plan ahead once i made plans to go to a girlfriends house and drink with her,her boyfriend and roomate.that was fun.we talked alot of shit pretty tipsy.but i had to work in the morning at i set a bedtime for 330.but thankfully i didnt wake up with a hangover,but we all agreed at work that that wouldve taken my mind off things.but i got to work not very good looking,so my manger kept an eye on me.but at least all day saturday i worked from 1045 to worries though.i do feel alot of relief from the worries of everyone else around me.its always bothered me when someone is always on the phone.and their phone is always dead.that sucks.i just really relaxed a vacation.but i still gossip,so its not like im dead because i cant use any media sources.hahaha.

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