Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 3 Jordan Wiggins

Today was actually the easiest of the three days of deprivation. My Sundays are usually pretty active. I went to church this morning, then out to eat with family, and for the rest of the day I have been studying. The first two days I must say were the worst. My phone, television, and computer are a big part of my everyday regiment, seeing how most of my school work involves the computer and television for news coverage. This project has really tested my discipline in cell phone use. As the directions stated I put my phone away out of reach, actually putting it in my guest bedroom and only using it when needed. When I would need to use my phone for important reasons I would come to a phone swamped with text messages and missed calls. Some actually being very important missed calls. Deprivation from my cell phone has got to be the least draining. Deprivation from the television was with out a doubt my top weakness. I found that I watch more television then I thought. I guess it is one of those activities that help pass time but in essence time should be passed spending it wisely. I found that I read more then usual and I think I read on a regular. But, being away from media brought me closer to myself and realizing what I really enjoy doing. I think some forms of media are a waste of time and we as knowledgeable human beings need to spend more of our time learning like some of the greats such as Einstein, Aristotle, Machiavelli, etc.

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