Sunday, May 3, 2009

arseny Day 2

everybody's right so far: day 2 is pretty much day 1. if the city had me working weekends, maybe i wouldn't have so much free time on my hands. my saturday mornings usually start with a pot of coffee, a newspaper and the TV in the background to get rid of the silence. i hate silence and untill this weekend i never knew it could be so loud. being around gunfire and explosions for a while left me with a constant ringing in my ears so having some kind of noise to distract me, became a habit. anyway, i read yesterdays paper from front to back, classifieds and everything so if anybody's looking for a car or a goldfish, i'll point you in the right direction.
for a while there, i was just passing time. instead of texting my neighbors to see what they were doing, i walked over next door. like it was done in the old days. it turned out to be a waste of a trip because they weren't home. it was nice out so i decided to walk down to the creek bed to check the water status.
not being exposed to any media by choice for a few days got me thinking what it would be like if it wasn't a part of our lives at all... like the communication part: i can text someone across the country or email someone across the world, and it only takes seconds. without a computer or a phones it would take days or even months so i'm thinking i found a new appreciation for the speedy means of communication we have available.
about 7:30 yesterday evening i ended up at my friends house since they were having a little party thing going. after some catching up and a few beers casey asked me to put some music on cause she cound't figure out how to work the stereo so i filled her in on my weekends punishment. it was nice to just sit around and talk to people without music blaring but once more people showed up, the radio got fixed and people started dancing around. a party without music doesn't really feel like a party, i don't care who you are or what you say.
to try and keep the project going, i left the party and went to a mud hole to see if anything was going on there. i could hear my friends jamming out to some Aaron Watson from a quater mile away and since i remembered that music is acceptable at social events, i decided to stay and finish off my saturday with a little bit of mud.

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