Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 2. Jenna Denver

Day 2. A lot more difficult than I expected. I was supposed to work a double today, but had so much homework that I called in. Big mistake. It's a lot easier participating in the media deprivation project when I have something to distract me, such as work. So I'm at the gas station, and I stop by the Redbox to look at what movies they have. Go figure, I see a movie I want. I get it. But I have to say, it is still sitting in front of my tv and hasn't been watched. Its a force of habit. I'm used to getting movies on my way home. I guess it will just have to sit there until Monday. Not too much longer...But anway, I accomplished a lot today. I got all my history and government homework done. It feels good to be done with that. If I could have watched a movie, I probably would have done that instead. I started my car today and the radio turned on. I wanted to leave it on, but once again, I hit the power button, and listened to silence. I then got stuck in a traffic jam. Wow, you never realize how important the radio is to you until you get stuck in a thirty minute traffic jam. Good news is, I work tomorrow night. Once I get home, which should be around midnight, I will be able to watch that movie. The lack of a cell phone is getting a little more difficult. I think some of my friends think I'm lying about his project just so I don't have to talk to them. lol. But thats okay, it's nice to not have my cell phone ringing every five minutes. The ringer is turned off for the weekend. One more day. Can't get any worse.

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