Sunday, May 3, 2009

Burak Day 2

With the start of day two I was hoping that it would be alittle easier to cope without forms of media. Just like day one there is an eerie silence over the house. No music blaring or my phone on me to talk with friends. It just seems as if were dependent on multiple objects such as phones and computers to run our lives. The worse part of that is they have been deeply rooted into our social lives that we can't remove them entirely. Going to and from work ive gotten use to not having the radio/ipod in and just driving with the windows listening to the urban sprall the roads. However after my shift when I came home I literally thought i was going to lose my mind. It seems as if thers nothing to do without breaking the terms of the little experiment. After sitting around for 30 minutes I decide to pick up a book and started reading. Which I have to admit was a nice change in pace. Its been awhile since ive had a chance to pick up a book from my favorite author and actually had time to read. If anything this little project slowed down my weekend for me. Without all those distractions i kind of like the peace and quite. Later on that night some friends an I decide to go out which was quite funny. I some how convinced them to try going without any form of music in the car. At first they thought it was going to be simple. They broke which was funny after only 30 to 40 minutes of silence they couldnt take it anymore and put the radio on. Do have to admit im starting to like this project more and more as time goes on. At the start i thought this was going to be a awful weekend but with any media it seems to me the weekend has slowed down. Even tho you can read only for so long we only have one more day left. Then we can all return to out normal daily routines and be glad that this project is over.

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