Sunday, May 3, 2009

it ain't so hard.

it is sad that i forgot to post yesterday so i will do a brief summery of Friday so as to let you all know that i am doing what is necessary, even though it won't get me anything. on Friday i spent most of my day cleaning my room and thinking for me it is something i do normally, lol, but i must admit to stop thinking i would normally turn on my ipod or something like that but i just let my thoughts wander before i went to work around 3 other then that that was my day. now for yesterday i did pretty much the same thing my parents asked me to get my room cleaned so i worked on it. again i did nothing but think about school, about work about life in general about what ever my mind wandered to. i am good at doing that for me about the only thing i really miss about all this is listening to my audio books, but i can live with it i did get a textmessage from a friend but i discreetly told her i can't talk and left it at that. for me media deprivation just brings me back to when i didn't have an ipod and didn't listen much to music, i read a lot of books until a few years back. i don't watch TV and my parents don't ask me to. i rarely us my cell though i must admit i did wish to call a friend this weekend but i don't mind. as for the rest media deprivation isn't so hard i can except it though i must admit it makes life a little boring when you are relegated to being at home to clean i live in Castroville so really there ain't much to do here and i have to work all weekend so there ain't a point to going anywhere. well i must go now have more cleaning to do see you.

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