Sunday, May 3, 2009

Orlando 2

Saturday day 2 of this media depravation as time goes on it seems less and less intense but then you find yourself stuck in your own head. This for me its sucks cause all I’m doing is thinking about anything and everything. When I get to work its heaven for I can stop thinking and just go to work. When I would drive and have the ability to listen to music it was divine not to be in my head. This Saturday I drove my lady to work in the mourning no music she is really cool about this media depravation project she started out not liking it but the day it started she freaked out when the music started playing in the car. She jumped into action switching the power off it was funny to see her geek out like that. So the drive downtown to where she works the drive was boring cause all that women do is wait till the last min to get ready and put on makeup in the car. Really in the mourning making the bed and breakfast is not as important as getting ready for work. Being on time for work is what you should worry about not if the bed is made that’s what I don’t understand. That’s when she freaks out about how late she is that’s just fing ridiculous. The drive back was even harsher it’s around 10 in the morning I’m tired and all I want is to relax to some nice country music. As I’m driving I find it hard not to see the flaws of other drivers the no blinkers to get into the next lane to the waiting till the last second to run over the yellow bumps and nearly kill everybody just so they can exit. The way people drive is as if their lives were at stake the rushing in cases where lanes are being closed and you now the lane your in is closing as the further you go those big orange cans get close and closer to your car but you wait to get over causing a traffic jam till your side mirror clips the orange can. Is that necessary? The arrival home was usually the cold dark apartment no sound just the buzzing of the air condition and the sound of neighbors kids out side having what seems like the time of their lives. What became unusually was the continuous silence of the apartment. Since the previous night was long I fell right back into a slumber of darkness. The awaking was not bad as I felt the time constraints of page one of my journal tales of days with no media. I had to finish fast with the hour of four approaching not only did I have a paper due I also had work at five. That is one thing I have learned I like to take my mind off thing with music it’s a quick fix instead of think about other things. Work was work I’m new to the job so this is learning day four of my new job. Went by quick the next phase of the day was downtown to meet my girlfriend and her friends out. The occasion was a birthday dinner followed by clubs which was great cause there is media at the clubs TV I can watch ESPN while the ladies dance or try to dance this will be going on into Sunday for I like to drink and hang out.

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