Sunday, May 3, 2009

Schiber Day 2

This is the second day without media for me and as I mentioned yesterday my day begin by going to dallas with some friends. It was for a card tournament so we needed to be there at 9am and we left only a half an hour after my previous post at 4.30 am.

Dallas takes nearly four hours of traveling at night and doing this with 4 other people cramped in a car is on its best a truly sorry affair but the lack of radio to keep it quiet make it nearly unbearable. The group was exausted and we took turns sleeping and keeping up randomn conversation. The lack of media for me was the most differcult here as everyone else was able to use their phone/ipod to tune out and take a nap where I had to put myself to sleep with the distracting noise of the road. The trip was unbearable but we made it to Dallas by 9:30 am on time.

At the tournament I don't need any form of media, I don't even listen to musice normally as its distracting and I need to concetrate when playing cards. However the lack of sleep took its toll and I went with three wins and three losses before dropping out and just hanging out with some people I know from out of town. To put this in perspective a good record is six wins and a top eight record is six wins + two draws or more. There are eight rounds total.

The second time this project affected me today was that my friends wanted to see X-men orgins and I was forced to pass. This wasn't as differcult as it may seem though because if you pay attention to this blog I haven't had a good nights sleep since thrusday at the time. Instead we waited for the tournament to wind down and left after knowing who was in the top eight. I knew one of the top eight and couldn't text to see what was happening but my friends happily filled me in on our way back.

Back to San Antonio was nothing more than a repeat of my torment of going to dallas. Its just so boring due to the complete lack of music and the trip took five or six hours due to traffic. There wasn't much of traffic but due to the storm in Dallas their were alot of wrecks. This caused the time differance keeping me even longer in boardroom. I got back at two am and hung out with another group of friends at Ihop doing what I am now; telling them about my day. Course the focus was on the tournament. Then after that I went home.

For the final day I may actually have a normal day so it might be harder to go without media. However its staring now at 1:40 as I slept in, getting back a five am does that. Will I bear not goint to X-men orgins one more day? Will the allure of TV overcome reason? Find out in the final day blog!

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