Sunday, May 3, 2009

Neysa Day 2

Yesterday was not as bad as the first day. The whole time I was driving without music, I was able to think about many things. So I was more observant I used it to my advantage. With this deprivetion project i have become more aware of my surroundings. For example, When i walk far distances i am not able to use my i pod so i see what is happening around me. I was also able to get alot of studying in. For most of the afternoon i was at school studying for finals. That made me kinda happy that i nothing to distract me, so i had my complete attention on my books. Yesterday morning i was at work and music was blasting. I couldnt have been happier. So i got my fix of music. Since all of my morning and afternoon were busy i had no opportunity to watch television during that period. Later that evening i was out at a few parties and with friends. At the parties there was always music playing so i didnt have much of a problem.

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