Sunday, May 3, 2009

Brick to face dose of reality - Abigail Day 2

Day two passes much like day one only with less to do. I woke up at around ten and got online to blog out the previous day. By the time I was finished it was time to get ready for work. I did so without any sound other than the one car that passes around the corner to do a U-turn. I like the peace and quite, really. But I like it more when I choose to have peace and quite. There are so many things that I have had time to do this weekend that I had to put off because of the project. Not to much of an inconvenience, I can always do them later, but I’m the kind of person that needs to get something going and done right away. I think this project would have been much easier for me if I wasn’t stuck at home at the mercy of whoever has the time and patience to take me out, wheelchair and all. Its more like, I feel bad, I feel like a burden. In the break room yesterday at work, I was in there alone for a few minutes with the television off. A co-worker came in to take her lunch and asked why I was just sitting there and not watching anything. I explained the project and she sat along with me, but I told her she could turn it on but I couldn’t make the choice. It wasn’t hard. I focused on other things. I have more time now to continue reading. Usually I read for about thirty minutes before I go to bed. Now I read rather than watch television or be on the Internet. I write in my journal also, something I haven’t done in a few weeks. Surprisingly I feel less stress. It makes sense if you think about it. This environment of technology serves as a distraction. When its taken away from you, you’re left to deal with your life and everything gets into focus. Like meditation, you become aware of yourself and your surroundings. There are pros and cons to this project. The cons are only cons because of how dependent we’ve become on gadgets made to ‘improve’ our lifestyle. I think this project is taking an unexpected turn.

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