Sunday, May 3, 2009

Game Night, Nick Ibarra Day 2 =]

So I woke up Saturday, went to work without dying from not listening to music. I knew that all I had to do was get to work then I was ok, because I can’t listen to music at work. I got off at about 3 o’clock, came home without music which wasn’t hard again. I’m guessing after the fact, you don’t really need it all that much; all you have to do is just entertain yourself.
When I got home, I still wanted to hear music so I got on my drum set and played for an hour or two, it was different without music in my headphones but drums are drums. That night I decided to organize a game night with my family and my sis’s boyfriend and my girlfriend, the more people the more fun. I thought that would be an interesting way to pass time. We started playing at about 6 ‘clock. In between games we cooked dinner, make cookies because they are the best. I tried a few new foods that I haven’t ever tasted before. We did a bunch of different food and games; Life, card games, Taboo, Scene It, just a variety of games. By the time we were finished and tired of playing games, it was nearly midnight. So then my girlfriend and I just sat on my roof and talked for a couple of hours. I don’t know why I like to chill on top of the roof, but it’s fun and different. I think everyone should try it, I recommend it.
I think that I am going to try and read a book or two to help pass the time; I don’t like reading so it’s going to be boring but I am willing to try mostly anything at this vulnerable point. I’m just kidding, so far its not that bad, I think it tests you on how creative you are with what you have.

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