Saturday, May 2, 2009

day 1 antoine

So I just wanna start off by saying if it wasnt the teacher's original idea then whoever came up with this project is evil. I caught a serious case of road rage being stuck in rush hour traffic with horrible san antonio drivers and no music to calm me down. i didnt notice how much tv, radio, music, internet and video games occupies my down time at home. I got a bit of a break on friday because i had work then two b ball games so most of the day i was gone, but at night i always fall asleep with the tv on and just trying to fall asleep in the dark with complete silence is much harder than it sounds. On the bright side i guess i had only got two hours of sleep the previous night and i was a bit intoxicated friday night so i fell asleep pretty quick. One good thing for me to avoid is my ipod. At work and school any free time i get i give to my ipod, and even at home i occasionally use my ipod deck in my room. But i mainly dont listen to it at home so got off easy on that one. Phone, internet and tv were the hardest things to stay away from because they have become so routine in my life i never noticed how much i use them, especially on my phone since it has internet. I think saturday will be the hardest day for me because i normally just sit at home all day and dont go anywhere till night time. Day 1 wasnt so bad but day 2 will be a real challenge for me.

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