Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day One - Christina Gomez

I had strict guidelines to follow for the next three days. Down some Tylenol PM and sleep all weekend. Instead I find this project might actually be worth a shot at doing.

Everyday for almost 4 years of my life have been spent in front of a television, cell phone, or iPod. Normally, my daily routine consisted of sleeping, texting and surfing the web in school, and of course eating. Especially this past semester, I have been in media overload mode. When I wake up, in between classes, during lunch, and then throughout the time I spend at home.

For the first day, I thought everything was going great until the onset shock of exactly how much I was missing out on hit me. It feels like I’m an addict going through withdrawals. Even being on my laptop to post this is tempting enough to look on Facebook or to get my daily fill of celebrity gossip.

During the day I was constantly reminded that I was missing out on seeing Wolverine, listening to music, and watching Real Time with Bill Maher. For the rest of the day I was left to listen to the sound of my own thoughts. Which I realized I either have a busy mind or A.D.D., but I prefer the former.

So instead of contemplating what to do all day, I made up my own to do list. Among my “to do’s” was baking something that was time consuming, attempting to groom my dogs, and doing something productive in the yard. There was the occasional thought about exercising for a while, which I only am fond of when it’s over. For the most part, my day was quite enjoyable.

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