Saturday, May 2, 2009

Edgar R. Day 1

So the first day driving around without music was hell. I am a delivery driver so i usually use my music to get me focused and prevent from going crazy from driving so much. At first it did not really bother me but then i started noticing that the their were moments were i would just get lost in my head. Almost like a 2 second day dream....I guess i was just getting lost in my head due to the silence maybe? The t.v aspect of this project was barable, usually all i watch is ESPN and Heroes but that was replaced with the newspaper quickly and the other comes on Mondays. Internet wasn't bad at all. E-mails and ebay seems easy to put off right now. So really the only part that is really getting to me is the radio/music. I listen to music pretty much all the time. I have never been used to this much silence. What makes it worse is that i forgot i wanted to go this concert on irritates but its whatever, they'll be others later on.

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