Saturday, May 2, 2009

What a start to an odd weekend Burak Day 1

I have already been exposed to this sort of media deprivation that is incase in is project however that was on a vacation in a small town and not my normal weekend. To start off I had a really quite breakfast which I was not use to at all normaly I have Cnn on while eating but today i took the newspaper approach. That wasnt too bad at all I don't mind reading the normal paper sometimes for sports or just world news in general I think the stories seem to be more intersting then how the news report on it. The next part of the day was going to drive me insane, it was a car drive that took 3 hours to get to my destitnation. I cannot belive how crazy I felt for driving in dead silence. I was so temepted to plug-in my ipod and just say forget this but alas I managed. Me and a friend where heading to a indoor soccer staidum for alittle tournament. At the expense of my suffering my friend thought it was a good idea to try it tommorow but i doubt he will last. After all the games where done with i had another long drive back however i notced how dependent we have become to forms of media. To me it seems like they run our lives more often then not waiting for the next text message, listening to music, and even just using the laptop at school. It seems as if we have become detached from our normal lives and our bound by a chain which is different forms of media. I am sure all the 1st days are going to be tough for everyone but once we wake on and smell the freash air I think some of us will enjoy some tranquality in our chaotic lives. I do admit tho this is one of the craziest projects i've done. I have to admit that i did break the rules (just read the email about the T.V and the swine flu in the email) the only reason i broke was i happened to be in Turkey during the Bird flu epidemic so i am alittle paranoid. Other then that I don't think i'll compromise the project that much after this. To all of yea best of luck it only gets easier from here.

1 comment:

  1. So are you constantly checking for updates on the Swine Flu? It seems to be spreading at an alarming rate now.
