Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2

I never realized how much the media affects every aspect of my daily life. From the moment that I wake up to the moment I fall asleep I'm never to far from my cell phone, t.v, radio, or a computer. I felt like I had gone back to the dark times, before there was any technology! Well that's a bit of an exaggeration but it is very hard to do.
The hardest things for me to give up were my cell phone, and the radio. I wake up with my cell phone alarm, so thankfully I didn't have to be up at a certain time today. Driving was like a foreign experience without the radio. Not just that but I admitt that I talk and text while driving, so it was a little refreshing to ignore the urge to be on my phone constantly. I also listen to my myspace playlist while showering and getting ready, but that too was a silent experience today. It was kind of errie at first but I honestly got ready a lot faster than usual because I wasn't constantly stopping to change the song. I also just talked to my friend instead while I was getting ready, which was a refreshing change. The hardest part is going to be getting to sleep! I have to have a radio or the television on when I go to sleep, so falling asleep should be interesting.
What I have learned so far is that without the media I am far less distracted. I'm much more focused and observant when I'm driving because I'm not checking my cell every two seconds, or switching radio stations every other song. Getting ready for the day went by faster without texting and checking my facebook. Usually I would sit on facebook for about thirty minutes, and be on the phone for another twenty. Even writing this blog is going by faster without searching for what song I want to listen to next. Thankfully I will get to listen to some music at the Eli Young band concert that I'm going to tonight! Life can't be silent all the time!
Deandra Parks

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