Saturday, May 2, 2009

LaQuinta - Day 1

Day 1 was not as hard for me as it was for my family, because I am not a media junkie. Since they had medial withdraws and breakdowns, I just ask of them to keep the main family room free of any and all forms of media. I had a busy busy day. My ex mother-in-law came in town on Thursday. So i had company to keep me occupied. On Friday(day 1) i got up in the morning to gather my paper work that had to be fax to my employers in New Orleans by yesterday which was the deadline. I was cutting it close, because the other papers i need were not ready until Thursday. My kids missed the school bus so i had to drop them off at school, one at middle school and two at the high school. I drop the middle one at school first, then off two the high school. Before i made it to the high school, I was feeling like some Micky D's breakfast. Since the kids were already late, they agreed to go get breakfast too. Then i remember i needed one of the kids to stay home to let at&t technician repair the Internet problem, while i go to office max and send off a fax. On the way to the school my youngest volunteered to go back home. When i got back home my youngest son, ex mother-in-law and i ate breakfast. Then my ex mother-in-law ask me to do her hair and nails. After that I showered and left to drop of class work for a final project at Blue Star for First Friday and then went to drop my ex-in-law at the airport. After leaving the airport, was running about 20 minutes late picking my daughter up from school. I dropped her off home and headed back to participate with my class in First Friday. On my way back i stopped off for chips and dip to add to the event. I parked on the side street, because the Blue star lot was full. After hanging my picture up for display, I chilled out after a non stop day. around 8 o'clock i went to check on my truck to make sure it was okay. Fortunately, i was just in time to keep it from being towed. Apparently after a certain time that side of the street that i parked on becomes a no parking zone only on First Friday. I did not know and there were no signs. I also received a parking ticket. This was my first First Friday and last. Over all i use my cell phone about 4 times to communicate with family for those tight spots. no computer, the radio in the truck is out so no radio while driving in the truck all day. They did have music at First Friday. I did have to use a fax, but it was imperative.That is it other than writing this blog . i have not use the computer.

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