Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lisa Lozano-Day 1

Honest to god I did forget about my final. Lol! I totally forgot that it was already May 1st but I did catch myself early in the morning that day. I was on my way to the gym and was jamming out in my car to some Lil'Wayne, then a commercial came on for Macy's and said that they were having a sale and I got so excited and they said, " Only today May 1st". After I heard that I immediately turned off my radio. When I did it was the most boring trip to the gym ever. All I heard was my tires hitting every and any little bump, I hated it. Luckily Gold’s Gym has music all over so I could still work out, and like you said I couldn't just go up to them and ask to turn of their TV’s and radio's. :P During my workout I realized I had left my phone at home. As soon as I got there I went to go turn my phone off and noticed that I had already 5 text messages and 4 missed phone calls from my mom, dad, boyfriend, and best friend. Unfortunately I could not reply due to the fact of actually going through with this project. Grrr!!!! So throughout the day I just saw my phone go off and it bothered me so bad that I couldn’t answer it. :( But then my boyfriend got a little bit worried and ended up calling my sisters phone during the afternoon. So I talked to him and told him why I wasn’t answering my phone and he had completely forgotten about the project. He did mention he would come over later on that night so I wasn't to mad :) luckily I am sick, so I was not in the mood to watch any TV or go anywhere. So I pretty much slept throughout the whole day and then when my parents came home I had to explain to them the final and they even told me that there would be no way for me to go through this whole weekend especially without my cell phone.

1 comment:

  1. You can use your cell phone, Lisa! I just don't want you guys to constantly be on it talking and texting.

    So please answer your phone if someone is calling you, especially family and loved ones. I don't want them to be mad at me LOL :D
