Saturday, May 2, 2009

Deanna Briones-Hassuni Day #1 cont.

Well... now I am a little upset with media. Particularly laptops and the internet. I am currently at my best friends apartment trying to turn in this blog before 5pm. The computer had some sort of error, and I thought I lost my whole blog. Thank God this website automatically saves the drafts. Anyways... as far as day one goes, my boyfriend did not want to help me out by turning off all media. He turned everything back on and said to just pretend that I went without media. I told him that it was a requirement and I wanted to see if I could really do it. I left because he couldn't deal with it. I had an induction ceremony at school at 6pm. The only music I had to listen to was the National Anthem. After the ceremony my friend Sara and I got into the car, and immediately she wanted to turn up the radio. I yelled at her and told her I could not listen to the radio. We ended up talking as if we had never talked before. We went over to I Hop to study for finals. I got lucky there. They played a lot of great songs over the intercom. After studying, we got back into the car again. Sara kept forgetting to not turn on the radio. To end the night, we played the question game. We asked each other several questions trying to guess particular people and celebrities that we were thinking of. That was the only option since we didn't have anything else to blab about and the car was silent. I feel as though going without media for the first day was not very challenging for me, but it certainly was with my friends. I kept myself busy with many activities to do leaving no time for media. Day two is becoming difficult. I miss music!

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