Saturday, May 2, 2009

Eric Garza - Day 1

Well considering i just flew in from out of town on friday morning, it would have been hard not to use my phone to call for a ride home from the airport and an additional call to let my mom know i arrived home safely. She worries a lot. Once i do turn my phone on Im sure half of the voice messages are going to be from here asking why i have'nt called because i forgot to tell her about this project. Maybe i'll swing by her house to let her know, but Im gonna be so pissed if i get there and shes not home. She live so far from where i do. Anyhow, besides those two phone calls early friday morning i swear i havent used my phone since and its been kinda boring, but quiet i can add. I have no idea what my friends are doing tonight or what they are doing right now. Like i said before, i guess i could drive to their houses and see whats poppin but i would be so upset man if i get to someones house and they're not home. Thats wasting gas and the time it takes to drive over there. My sister and I were talking about this project the other day and she asked me, "What did you do before you had a cell phone?" I said, I couldn't remember. Isn't that wierd. I dont smoke marijuana, so i feel like i have a great memory for the most part, but i can't remember what I use to do to stay in touch with my friends. I know when i was in high school those big brick phones were around but i didnt know anybody who had one. I think i use to just use the house phone mostly to talk to my friends, but my mom wouldnt let me talk for too long cause it would run up the phone bill. Anyway, i really think the hardest part of this project for me is not being in contact with friends and being able to make plans. I hardly watch tv, and use the internet but when it comes to my phone, well i think Im averaging about 1,000 text messages a month, just from texting friends. I do have a couple of papers that are due on monday for my humanities class and due to the fact that i cant watch tv or surf the internet or use my cell, Ill probably be able to finish those up in no time. Geez, this is gonna be rough!

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