Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 1, Julio Ladron "Apesta"

Es uno de los peores projectos que e tenido... I use all kind of media every single day to work, study, work out, while driving almost every where. Yesterday i began my day waking up to go to work, while i was on my car i remember about the project so i turned off my radio. everything was going so well so far the only sounds the i was hearing where the noise the my tires make while driving. I began working but i was you stud to listen a talking show on the radio the will make my day go faster. But not the day i work on a ranch so the only noise the i was hearing was the wind, the birds and the machinery, making my day to feel so slow. It was like 9:45 am and i was just one hour with out the radio and i was so despaired to turn the radio on. i thought i will able to handle it so easily but it wasn't like that. Every hour was going so slow but i try to focus it on what i was doing. But the same day i forget my cell too, it was a terrible day at work with out radio and forgetting about my cell. The day i realized the i need to have my cell phone whit me in attached to it. I began to hate the media project, i need music to work to make my day go faster and to keep my rid mend on work. I put a lot of me to finish my day with out radio and cell phone. When i got out from work and driving back home still with out radio, i began to think and realize how my life ha change with media. I remember when i was a child in mexico the i was prefer to be out side playing soccer and no even car about tv, radio and plus i never imagine to have a cell phone. An now i look my self today tenttation im surrounded by media everywhere. So i got home I look at my cell for missing call and txt then i just put it away. It is a big tenttation to grave my cell and began texting but i ned to be strong and try to learn something from this project the i hate. But still i have two more days to go.

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