Monday, May 4, 2009

Burak Day 3

Finally the media deprivation project is over... The worse part was that the last day was the hardest to bear. I wake up to a call to go over to my parents which i thought was a relief. Was hoping that when I go over there I would be busy and the day would fly. I was so wrong, walking into the front door hearing the t.v blaring the Liverpool vs Newcastle. Which was crushing because I wanted to see the game since the league was nearing to the end of the season. To aovid getting lured into wacthing the game I decided to go outside and help out in the garden. What a day to do that i swear it felt like it was at least a hundred degrees outside. At least it help the time past alittle I guess. After that I sat down and started reading Clive Cusslers "Shock Wave" and fell asleep. To my surprise I woke up and the time was around 7 pm. Was saying to myself great only 5 more hours left and im free from these shackles of this project. Those last 5 hours where a drag. I could not find anything to keep me busy. To my luck my brothers friends came over and they went to the local park to play some basketball so I decide to tag along with them. Preety much after that I literally counted down till it was 12 at night like if it was new year's. Looking back on this project I knida enjoyed it, was something different. I bet it showed everyone how much we rely on media to keep our daliy lives functioning. Over all i have to admit at the start of this I thought this project was silly but in the end of the day I see why it was important that we try it.

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