Monday, May 4, 2009

Danielle-Day 3

First off, I am so glad this media deprivation project is over. It has been a looong weekend.
Sunday started off with me waking up unusually early, around 8:45 am. I got up and got ready to go to church, which I hadn't done in a very long time. I'm suprised I didn't melt when I walked in. The drive to church took about 20 minutes, so once again, I sang songs in my head. For some reason, I sang an entire medely of 80s songs, from Billy Idol to Cyndi Lauper.
After church, I was called in to work. For the first time in a long time, I was not dreading going to work, only because at AE, we play a dvd with music, so I'd get a little fill for the 4 hours I had to work. Work seemed to pass by faster than usual, of course only on the day I actually didn't mind being there.
When I got home from work, I wrote my blog for the previous day, however, my sister was in the same room watching tv. Just hearing the tv without actually seeing it, was difficult. I knew there would be no compromising with my sister for her to watch tv elsewhere, so I retreated to my room and decided to work on my creative project for my Am. Lit. class.
After I worked on the project for a while, I actually fell asleep until about almost 9:00. When I woke up from my "nap," I went to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. My mom was watching Housewives, and I desperately wanted to see it too, but I stayed strong, and just continued to make my sandwich and headed back to my room.
I wasn't really that sleepy, since I had just slept for the past 3 hours, so I decided to continue reading Breaking Dawn. At this point, I knew I only had a few more hours until this weekend and tough project would be over, so I smiled to myself, closed my book, and started dreaming.
Overall, I found out that I can live without my phone, without the internet, and without tv, but living without music turned out to be the most difficult challenge. All I can really say is that I'm so glad this project is over! Maybe in the far future, if I want to punish my kids or something, instead of the normal, "you're grounded," I'll simply tell them, "Media deprivation!"

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