Monday, May 4, 2009

Arseny Day 3

so it's finally monday and i'm on the computer, listening to my ipod, with the TV on, checking my MySpace and texting a friend. with the weekend finally over i realize that without media in my life, i have to make up my own entertainment. it's a good thing because with music, movies and the internet around, i became pretty lazy. sunday went by quick and easy and i wasn't really thinking about anything but reading and the fight with my chick the night before. i woke up around 1pm with a hangover from hell because my saturday night didn't end until 8am. normally i would lay around for a while and watch tv until i feel better but i ended up reading a book. i've had it for a while and only got half way through it so getting through the last half took my till about 6. by that time my girlfriend was really mad since i wasn't returning her texts (she's aware of the project and still i'm in the dog house). that made me realize, again, that women are crazy. i mean how would she survive without me being a phone call away? whoever invented text messaging is genious by the way, and i once again realize how much easier it is to communicate.
not being constantly distracted by my phone going off or thinking about what's on TV, helped me focus on the things that need to be done and made me pretty productive this weekend. yesterday evening i went over to my sisters house for a while, just to hang out but her and mom put me to work. since we couldn't have music on, making fun of each other was pretty much all we did while they were shampooing the carpet and i was moving the furniture around.
i decided to hit the hay early, around 1130 just to wake up to a media filled day. never thought i'd say this but thank god it's monday

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