Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 3 Edgar Rodriguez

Its finally over. I can turn on the tv, plug in the laptop, reconnect the xbox. This past weekend just showed me how impatient i can be when i dont have any media-esque distractions. Yesterday i found myself snapping at my friends because the silence was making me really inpatient with myself. A simple question was answered by a snappy remark. I guess i need constant noise and distraction to stay out of the hussle and bussle that is my head, lol. My sunday started off pretty simple, no music, no tv, no video games. I actually found myself cleaning up my room which i only do i guess once every three months. Went to work around three, delivering has gotten to be quite dull without music but with the silence comes a sense of foucus that ive never had on the road before. I always found myself getting distracted by the slightest street sign or a curious pedestrian. Without music in my car i found houses faster, noticed cops on the street quicker, it was quite interesting. I want to talk about video games, i keep mentioning this because i play video games competivily, sometimes for a hefty wager attached. Street Fighter is my game of choice and i am very good at it. I play high stakes money matches and enter tournament frequently. This weekend was not a good day raking in the money. I always have cash with me on the weekends because of this game, this weekend i was as broke as two was terrible.

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