Monday, May 4, 2009

Schiber, Day 3+ Conclusions


My final day, Sunday, was by far the hardest of the three days mostly due to the fact I wasn't half as busy as I was on the previous two days. The day started at 1:30 pm with a call from my parents saying their coming home and then we're going out for chinese. I took the time to write the second day reports and then left with them for food. Followed by that we went to the restaurant and then to the mall which had music in the background that I got exposed to but otherwise everything was going fine. Then we went home at around 5pm.

That's when the trouble started.

I literally had nothing to do which for me is just an disaster waiting to happen. I was tired and just wanted to veg making this the first time I missed TV. Intead of droning to random shows I was resorted to spending an half hour in a dazed stupor. After the little rest I was willing to walk to the book store which was about a mile down the road. There I picked up some Terry Prachet books which I truly recomend because they're terribly funny. This kept me distracted and my sister came along so we talked instead of listening to music. Returning home at almost seven o' clock I then decided to head to the local shop where I normally hang out.

At the shop (Gamelot, mentioned at the 1st post its on Huebner and bandera) I met up with a group of friends and went to Jim's for tea and to hang out. We called it quits by eleven due to Jake who was a minor and needed to go home because of his mom. Heading home I was finally fell asleep after almost four hours (insomiac without music here, can't sleep period) ending the three day project.

I found because of this project that without media to keep me sedate I get very antsy and spend nearly all of my time out of the house. I have to be doing SOMETHING otherwise the lack of entertainment causes me stress. I obsess over everything too much if left with nothing to do. Worse studing is very hard without some background noise to keep me from growing too bored and I'm goint to go most of my studing Monday and Tuesday since I had such diffaculty the last three days. Though spending a day in Dallas might be to blame. The final point is if not for the mini road trip I had scheduled previously I would've had far more trouble with the lack of TV and recreational internet. I spend alot of time in the evenings cruising the web and visiting some forums to chat and discuss anything from hobbies to politics. That said except for Sunday I had very little time for either which helped make this project easier overall. The worse thing with the project is I now have to catch X-men orgins at a decent time sometime this week. Other than that I managed well enough I figure. Certainly not something I'd wish to pledge a month to.

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