Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 3 Steven Brewer

Last day of the project. Definetely the worst. Pretty sure I'm going through withdrawals at this point. I can't wait until tomorrow. Video games all day! Except I have finals so probably not. This project has really made me think. How difficult were times before people could easily communicate. I haven't spoken who live in Alabama all weekend. What would it be like to never get to speak to my friends unless I went to visit? Also, what did people do to take up all this free time? I've had so much of it this weekend. You can only read so much until you get tired of it. It would be a very different world without all of our modern technology. I haven't watched tv at all this weekend either, not even the news. It's strange not knowing what is going on in the world. But back before technology, people couldn't flip on the tv and get instant news on what was going on across the world. They had local newspapers, and I believe thats it. How could they find out important issues without some mass form of communication? I am glad that I have participated in this project though. It has definetely given me an insight how much easier times are now that we have so much technology. I just hope I never have to do a project like this again! I appreciate what it has taught me, but it has been very very difficult.

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