Monday, May 4, 2009

day 3 antoine

The last day wasn't all that bad for me because I was doing things most of the day. But there were some times it was pretty challenging because it was so hot outside not to watch TV. But I went out with my mom and bought her some early mother's day presents so that kept me occupied for a few hours. This project definitely taught me a lesson and showed me some things about myself. It was more of the alone time that was the most challenging but I realized how much I depend on music, internet and especially TV to occupy my time when I either dont have anything to do or dont feel like entertaining myself. I felt a bit ashamed of myself for a little bit because I noticed how much time I have in a day to be doing things productive instead of being lazy. I am definitely glad the nightmare is over. I am gonna go home and not even go anywhere and watch a movie, listen to my ipod and be on the internet at the same time. Even though I got frustrated quite a bit during this project I do understand why it was given, it teaches a lot of things about yourself you never would have realized on your own.

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