Monday, May 4, 2009

Melissa- Day 2

Crappy! The sunday news paper was the only thing I had to look forward to on sunday. I clean our house and do all our laundry on sunday and I usually have the television or the radio on and without one of those two things my day of cleaning dragged on...and on.... and on! Every time we go somewhere, James always wants have the radio on and as much as I would love to keep it on and consider that as being in a place where music cant be avoided. But it can so off went the radio. I also had to switch sides of the bed so I couldnt watch tv when I was going to bed! There are many of times where I am sitting in my car and I take a look around and want to turn the music on, thinking to myself "no one will know", but then I know that there is a lesson to be learned throughout the madness. This experiment is almost over and I am counting down!

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