Monday, May 4, 2009

Jaz Hernandez Day 3

Okay so it is the last day of this media deprivation thing and I'm feeling the effects now. I miss hearing my music went I'm on the way to where ever I go and it really sucks because I had to finish playing the playoffs and I couldn’t us the music to pump me up or anything. I woke up around 8:45 again yesterday because I had my first game at 10 o'clock. So once again I was on my way to my game without any music or anything. It didn’t help because I didn’t want to wake up anyways and the silence wasn’t helping me wake up. I finally got to the field and didn’t want to play at all because I was all kinds of tired and sore from the day before. We were playing football until about 1 or so. We ended up getting third place overall and we lost to the team that won it all so that was okay. I wasn’t tempted by media again until the drive to eat. I still fought my desire to hear music and kept driving tuneless. After I ate I came home and took a shower and a nap. Once I woke up I got to work writing everything that I had to. The temptation came again when I was on the computer and but brother walked in and started playing video games. I was pretty jealous that he was playing and I couldn’t so I told him he had to wait until I was finished writing. I told him why and he said that sucks and walked downstairs to watch TV. He was pretty cool about it surprisingly because he usually does the opposite of what I tell him. I finally finished writing around 7 and then my friend called me to tell me he was coming to get me so I can watch him at his basketball game. So I don’t know if that is against the rules or not but I did use my phone right there. We went to his game and that finished around like 9. We went home after that and everyone was playing video games so I went into the other room with my other friend and just fell asleep until like 1 in the morning then I went home and wrote my work cited page then went to sleep. So I kind of had it easy this project because I was really busy all weekend with football and school work. The temptations were there but I had things to do and that’s what helped me out. This project helped me out I think because the things I wanted to do were off limits and I was able to do the things I needed to do.

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