Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 3 Jenna Denver

Day 3. Almost over. Today started out having to type up an essay for my government class. Normally I have the radio or television on as background noise while I do my papers. But today I couldn't. I did realize that I get much more done without the tv or radio on though. I was able to write my paper much quicker and keep my thoughts straight. After that, I went to work around four. Figuring that working the rest of the day would be easier than sitting at home bored! So I went to work, and it was so slow all night that I had nothing to do. I did have my phone with me though. Normally when I'm at work with nothing to do, I text. But I couldn't. That made time go by so much slower. They didn't even have to tv on at work yesterday! So, I sat there, bored. Dreaming about tomorrow when I could turn on my radio on the drive to school, and watch a movie when I got home. Truth be told though, this project couldn't have happened on a better weekend. I got to study and relax a little bit before finals. But I am done depriving myself of media after this weekend. I love media. I love all the capabilities it provides us. If I couldn't use my cell phone or GPS I would get lost all the time. I had to go to a friends house the weekend, and I wasn't sure how to get there. I wanted to use my GPS so bad. I can't imagine days back when people had to use maps! Those things are impossible. But its almost over. Tuesday I'm definetely going to see Wolverine because thanks to this project I haven't been able to this weekend. Tuesday will be a good day.

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