Monday, May 4, 2009

Por Fin Dia 3 Julio

Today is a happy day because i just done with day 3, and no only with that but also with the horrible project. I was surprising because i survive with out radio telephone and computer for two days because one day i cant resist to watch a soccer game. But the third day i spended on the computer working in two of my projects, so i was using it for education only. I spend most of the sunday working on my projects using the media to search and typing essays for classes. the day when kind fast, because i didn't put the much of attention now to the media, because i was just thinking on finishing with my projects. so i realize the i was disconnected to the world because i just used my cell just for important calls the one was one of the main things, then it was the music the i didn't used except i just heard it on the-restaurants. This sunday i just used it my cell to call some friends and ask them about school stuff because we are on week finals and i just want to make share i have everything the i need. on the afternoon my parents were watching tv but i didn't put the much of attention because i was concentrated on doing home work. Then i took a break and during my break i just when out side and take my dogs for a walk. But now the sunday ends i m here typing the final day but this time with some music, because i spend must of the time listening to some music while i m working ore doing home work. I also began to answering the missing texting the i didn't response, now i think my life become normal because i m doing the stuff i like to do with media. Like i say the pass tow days i learn some stuff about this project, i know its the now in cant live with out media, but i also lear the media is not everything because sometimes takes you away to be more social with people around you. One more thing the i know its was the we are loosing the communication face to face, now in this days we use the email o txt to tell or sprees what are we feel for some one or how feel. I know the i m attached to media i will try to reduce it more and become more social. This final project was a big experience for me.

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