Monday, May 4, 2009

Day tres

Day Three

Finally, just twenty four more hours and I can go listen to some music, watch television, and play some video games.  But today was probably the hardest day of them all to succeed.  After coming so close to finishing this project you would think that I can stick it out; however, today was my birthday and I lost all intentions of depriving myself from media.  Today was definitely not a successful day attempting to take all media out of my life.  

There was no way that my cell phone was not to be used on this day.  I had endless text messages and phone calls wishing me a happy birthday.  With all this, I couldn’t ignore my phone.  I constantly was failing to not use my cell phone.  I couldn’t ignore my phone as it rang from my endless family members.  This was probably the biggest struggle of my day.  This was also followed by the peer pressure of my friends while riding in my car.

For my 21st birthday, me and my friends decided to go out on the town.  So while driving down town, I had to blast my radio to bring entertainment for all of us.  And once the music was bumping in my ears, I couldn’t find the strength to turn it off.  It was a relief to finally listen to some music.  I’m glad that I don’t have to do this for the rest of my life. And at the club that we went to, obviously there was music playing but it was uncontrolled so I didn’t seem to care as much.  But it was still a relief to hear it anyway.

This project in general definitely showed me that media plays a bigger role in my life than I saw.  Just thinking about this project is simple, but the actual action of depriving myself of media was almost impossible.  I now realize that with my life, I can live without media, but with the lifestyle that I’ve already created, I wouldn’t want to.  I enjoy the entertainment and joy that my forms of media bring to me.

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