Monday, May 4, 2009

Jonathan Swayne blog for sunday May 3, 2009

Day 3 thank god it’s finally over I did not think I was going to make it through the whole thing but I did over the whole 3 days I only listened to music one time and I only watched 1 movie luckily I had stuff to keep my busy most of the time. Yesterday was another easy day just as easy as or easier than day 1 I had allot of things planed whit my quartet so I was not going to use any mass media any way. Woke up around noon went picked up Peter and met Geon and Anthony at the place where we practice and we sung for about 3 hours. After practice we went out to get a late lunch at jims hung out there for about 2 hours played some cards while we ate and drank talked whit the wait staff there we are all regular customers and I have worked there before so we all have allot of friends there. We started talking about the project since it kept us from going to the movies and we all kind of realized that other than the internet none of the mass media has too much a hold on us since we all spend hours making our own music and none of us watch very much TV. I think this project was a good thing it gave me more time overall to do my homework and we practiced twice this week instead of the usually once which was good since it is going to be summer soon and we are going to have a lot of gigs and make some money this summer . the media is important in my life for sure especially the computer one thing I don’t understand is if I am on the computer and not on the internet why is that considered the mass media most of computer hobbies don’t involve the internet and I lost out on those these last three days now I’m all backed up on my coding but all in all I think this was a good experience

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